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Subacromial Bursitis of the Shoulder - An MSK Therapy perspective

Subacromial Bursitis and Shoulder Pain

Subacromial Bursitis is just one of the many conditions that can cause shoulder pain. The shoulder complex is no doubt the most complicated set of joint structures within the body. Hence, no wonder there is such a wide variety of conditions that impact shoulder mobility. The human body makes various tradeoffs, including mobility over stability. Shoulders are highly mobile yet at the cost of a wide range of joints and supportive structures. Although there are many types of Bursitis, the subacromial bursa of the shoulder is one of the most common. The bursa is a small fluid-filled cushion, which reduces friction between bones and other tissues. Bursae can become inflamed for many reasons, resulting in pain and reduced mobility. It is also easy to further irritate an inflamed bursa, especially in the shoulder. Hence, the condition can easily become chronic if left or if the wrong treatment strategy is applied. The full article on Subacromial Bursitis and Shoulder Pain explains more about the condition, symptoms, anatomy and treatment options.

Article written by Terry Davis MChiro, BSc (Hons), Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag.,  Cert. WHS.

As of December 31st 2020, the author chose to leave the Chiropractic profession and pursue studies within the Physiotherapy field. He no longer works as a McTimoney Chiropractor and works as a Myotherapist in Morningside, Brisbane. The author possesses an unusual background for somebody who trained as a Chiropractor (McTimoney). His education, training, and practical experience span over two decades and relate to health's physical and mental aspects. He has also needed to push his own body and mind to the limits of physical and psychological endurance as part of his time serving in Britain's elite military forces. His education includes a bachelor of science degree in Business Management, with a specialisation in psychology and mental health in the workplace, an Integrated Masters in Chiropractic, MChiro and a multitude of soft-tissue therapy qualifications. His soft tissue qualifications range from certificate level right through to a BTEC Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy. Terry also has extensive experience in security, work, health and safety and holds relevant certifications. He has also taught as a senior course coach at Advanced Diploma level (Myotherapy / Musculoskeletal Therapy) in Australia, both theoretical and practical aspects including advanced Myofascial Release Techniques and has certification in training and assessment. Terry will have taught many of the first students to train as Myotherapists in Brisbane. Terry's combination of knowledge through education, training, elite military service, and personal injury history has paid dividends for the patients he sees and has treated over the last 15 years. He has extensive experience treating chronic pain and work and sports-related musculoskeletal injuries. Terry is still very active and enjoys distance running, kayaking, mountain biking and endurance-type activities.

The Corporate Wellness and Musculoskeletal Specialists

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