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Showing posts from June, 2018

Shin Splints - Running Injury Series

Shin Splints and Treatment Shin Splints are one of those conditions that can be excruciatingly painful and debilitating. The condition commonly affects Runners and Military personnel and tends to gets worse with continued activity. If one chooses to continue to push through the pain and keep going, the pain will get to a point where it is not possible to continue. As with other Musculoskeletal related conditions, symptoms can be easily irritated, and it is vitally important to identify the probable cause and then address it accordingly. The full article about Shin Splints - a Myotherapy perspective looks at the possible causes and prevention, self-help and other treatment options. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro,  BSc (Hons),  Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag.,  Cert. WHS. As of December 31st 2020, the author chose to leave the Chiropractic profession and pursue studies within the Physiotherapy field. He no longer works as a  McTimoney Chiropractor  and works as a  Myoth

Ankle Injuries (Inversion/Eversion) - Running Injury Series

Ankle Injuries and Treatment Most of us will have twisted our ankle at some point in life and to varying degrees of severity and probably thought nothing of it. The chances are that most people will have never even sought any form of treatment after the ankle injury either, except in the most severe cases. However, even relatively minor injuries can create adaptive changes to our mechanics and the way we move. Such changes, can frequently lead to other issues at a later date, be it weeks, months or years later. The full article about ankle inversion and eversion injuries - a Myotherapy perspective goes into far more detail about treatment options and the sorts of other issues that one may encounter due to unresolved trauma. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro,  BSc (Hons),  Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag.,  Cert. WHS. As of December 31st 2020, the author chose to leave the Chiropractic profession and pursue studies within the Physiotherapy field. He no longer works as a  McTimo

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) / Runner’s Knee

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) and Treatment There are many possible causes of Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), which sometimes referred to as Runner’s Knee. As with Patellofemoral Syndrome, runners can frequently experience ITB syndrome, and although both conditions are known as Runner’s Knee though they have subtle differences. Equally, ITB related problems can also cause hip-related pain or symptoms and so the term Runner’s knee is not necessarily entirely accurate. If one looks at the mechanics of running and the ITB, it is reasonably easy to see why runners may have a higher incidence of this particular condition. However, as with other Musculoskeletal related conditions, just because the condition is called Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS), does not mean the ITB is the cause. The full article on Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) - a Myotherapy perspective looks at the possible causes, self-help and treatment options available. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro,  BSc (