Strategies for Managing Stress The final part of the three-part article on “Stress, the Individual, Wellbeing and Performance” looks various means of self-help and coping strategies to address the negative impacts of excess stress. Part three also covers resilience and several commonly found factors of individuals characterised as resilient people. The building or developing resilience can help with how one perceives or interprets any given stressor or stressful situation. There are many more methods of combating stress than just those listed in the article, and it is a case of each person find what works for them. Although one can use the methods listed in the final article without reading the previous two, though the understanding gained from the previous two articles is highly relevant. One can find the full article Stress, the Individual, Wellbeing, Performance and the Workplace (3 of 3) here. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro, BSc (Hons), Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag., C