Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) - Massage Balls and SMR tools Although many companies are advertising and selling various self-myofascial release products, there are limits to the usefulness of such products in a self-treatment context. Equally, if the wrong product or techniques is applied in the wrong context then one can actually make symptoms far worse. The article about self-myofascial release using massage balls and trigger point therapy explains some of the limitations of such methods in a self-treatment context. Unfortunately, anybody can design, sell or produce videos about such self-treatment products and with zero to some knowledge of the actual therapy techniques such products are trying to replicate. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro, BSc (Hons), Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag., Cert. WHS. As of December 31st 2020, the author chose to leave the Chiropractic profession and pursue studies within the Physiotherapy field. He no longer works as a M...