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Showing posts from August, 2019

Tissue Adaptation - Relevance to injury prevention, training

Relevance of Tissue Adaptation  Tissue adaptation is highly relevant to injury prevention, training, performance, injury rehabilitation and general musculoskeletal health. Tissues and structures within the body have different types of properties, based on function. The musculoskeletal system adapts to applied forces and as is tolerable. Equally, tissues and structures respond differently according to the types of force involved, speed of force, duration of force, the direction of force and more. Adaptations also have relevance for Biotensegrity and tissue healing . The full article about Tissue Adaptation - a Myotherapy perspective , contains far more detail about the process of musculoskeletal adaption. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro,  BSc (Hons),  Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag.,  Cert. WHS. As of December 31st 2020, the author chose to leave the Chiropractic profession and pursue studies within the Physiotherapy field. He no longer works as a  McTimoney Chiropractor  and wor

Biotensegrity - Relevance to injury, treatment and training

The Relevance Biotensegrity  The human body consists of a combination of parts, structures, joints and soft-tissues, which enable us to move amongst other things. One should view the body as a single or whole structure as everything grew via mitosis (cell division). Structures and tissues within the body have different material properties such as elasticity, strength and more. Our bodies maintain and change shape through a combination of compressive and tensional forces within (Biotensegrity). Loads or forces within the body are continually changing according to the requirements placed on the body. Many people seem to forget that our limbs are relatively heavy and our bodies deal with the force of gravity 24/7. Equally, biotensegrity can change due to injuries (trauma), or tissue adaptations . The full article on Biotensegrity and its relevance - a Myotherapy perspective explains far more. Article written by Terry Davis MChiro,  BSc (Hons),  Adv. Dip. Rem. Massag.,  Cert. WHS